Project & Actions

YEAD has 4 long term objectives:


To allow young people from different countries to create cultural forms and contents that express their vision of culture.


To enable cultural professionals to re-consider today's relationship between young European audiences and the cultural landscape, keeping in mind central issues like identity, democracy, and cultural diversity.


To broaden cultural audiences, by encouraging disadvanteged young people to play and active part in shaping culture, thus becoming active participants in their own environments.


To construct a web platform gathering the creations of young people and the findings of proffesional meetings, in order to provide the network of cultural professionals with tools promoting a more effective cultural democracy
in Europa.


  • Six organizations from Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, and The Netherlands, all working on social and cultural issues, brought together their experiences, networks, and skills to give young Europeans a chance to question their interaction with culture. From 2015 to 2019, young people 18 to 25 from diverse backgrounds will examine the ways in which they feel included, recognized, or rejected by certain cultural institutions.

    YEAD’s goal is to encourage these young people to play an active part in European culture — as spectators, by developing their appetite for culture, but also as creators, by producing art pieces themselves.

    Our six associations strongly believe that the hands on experience of artistic practices is a tool for social inclusion that helps explore self-knowledge and strengthens willpower.

    Videos and images will be the main creative support. Why? Because images are everywhere and learning how to read them can teach young people how to use them.Because making videos requires team work and confronting one’s ideas with others is an excellent way to articulate and develop a project. In each of the participating countries, video workshops will be set up by professionalsThe short films that will come out of these workshops will speak about identity, cultural democracy, and cultural diversity.

    Our wish is to map out what young people expect from culture, and to identify the current shortfalls, needs, and possibilities of the relationship between young audiences and European cultural institutions and professionals.

    In conjunction with the video workshops, the program will include annual seminars between partners, presentations for professionals, and a closing festival that will take place in Brussels in 2019.

Types of action

  • Local workshops

    Creative video workshops are proposed in each of the member countries. They all offer the opportunity to become aware of the individual creative dynamic, of the legitimate right to expression, to culture. The workshops highlight the importance of that right and of the diversity of European culture.

    The objective of this workshop is to introduce young people to creation by encouraging participative methods and also to develop their interest in culture in general.
    The workshop is a space of dialogue, exchange and encounter. Everyone contributes his or her skills and know-how to the common project: individual and collective emancipation with due respect for the other’s culture.

    The work will be articulated around an annual theme to arrive in July 2019 at a pooling of all the works during the international closing festival in July 2019.
    The themes explore cultural diversity and democracy in Europe.

    2016 Inclusive access to culture
    2017 Cultural influence(s)
    2018 Immigrant audiences: Ex-/Inclusion
    2019 Conclusion: Young Cultural Audience Development
  • Bilateral exchanges

    Every year two countries work together on an annual theme. The young come together and the workshops take place in two countries.
    Through their creative gesture, the young reflect on access to culture, the role of cultural institutions and the place of culture.
    The medium of expression is mostly video because in their environment the young are immersed in images (cinema, television, video games, multimedia, advertising, etc.). Images are their main source of information, their access to the world, the means by which they imagine, express and share.

    2016 ITALY / FRANCE
  • International seminars

    Annual seminars enable the six partner associations to assess the past year, the results observed in the artistic practice of the young people and their openness to the cultural field, the attendance level of the creative workshops, the proposals put forward by the participants and the cultural institutions. The objective is to be able to draw guidelines for a better inclusion of the audiences that today are too little concerned by culture.

    2016 PARIS (FR)
    2017 VIANA (PT)
    2018 BERLIN (DE)
    2019 BRUSSELS (BE)
  • One-day national meetings

    Once a year, each association will organize in its regional and national field of action an information session on the progress made by YEAD for the professionals of the cultural sector: the managers of public and private cultural venues, political actors, academics, community organizations, and anyone interested in the relation between culture and youth. These one-day meetings will feed the international seminars. The objective is that, in time, a shared database of European contacts will take shape.

  • Closing festival


    Conferences, round tables, video workshops, screenings will fill the programme of this ten-day gathering in the beautiful venue of the Botanique (Cultural Centre of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation). This international festival is open to professionals from the cultural sector, to politicians, to academics, to European institutions, to the young participants and anyone for whom the diversification of the cultural audiences is a priority.